Thursday 28 September 2023

We ran 5K for our local air ambulance and it was awesome!

Garador staff standing in front of the air ambulance at the 5K Twilight Shift

A group of us from Garador took part in the 5K Twilight Shift charity run last Saturday (23rd September 2023). The event was organised all in aid of Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance, a life-saving service that provides critical care to patients across the two counties.

The begining of the event!

There were 14 of us in total taking part in the event and it was a really fun way to enjoy some downtime and do some real good for a worthwhile cause. Everything was setup to cater to all ages and abilities, which was great as it meant you could walk, jog or run around Henstridge Airfield, where the air ambulance crew hang out. Anyone could join the run and have a blast, while helping a great cause. Some people even dressed up or carried extra weight, like the crew do when they go to an emergency!

Participants running the 5K Twilight Shift at Henstridge Airfield

We worked hard to get ready for the run and had a lot of fun with hundreds of other supporters on the day. We also donated £500 to the charity in support of the event and were really chuffed to support Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance, a charity that we feel close to. As a local business based in Yeovil, we know how important it is to have a quick and reliable emergency service that can get to anywhere in our region.

You can find out more about the run and the air ambulance by visiting

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