Friday 11 May 2018

Added safety and convenience with Garador’s Light Beam Device


There are a fair few accessories available for garage doors and many of them are often overlooked, despite their benefits. A garage door light beam device (sometimes also referred to as a photo cell) is one such example that is potentially useful with Up & Over over garage doors using an electric operator to automatically open and close the door.

Aside from the convenience you get with a GaraMatic electric operator, by not having to manually open your garage door a Garador light beam device also provides additional peace of mind. As when the door is closing, should the infra-red light beam (on the photo cell) be broken the motor will stop the door there and then, allowing the obstruction to be removed. So the door will stop if the light beam is broken.

There are two types of light beam device, an internal version that is fitted inside the garage and an external one that is fitted just outside the garage. The internal version is required to run the GaraMatic 20’s self-closing timer option. The internal light beam device is supplied free of charge with all GaraMatic 20 operators. The external version of the light beam device has been design with protective covers, to ensure that if the device is exposed to direct sunlight or glare, that the light beam will continue to function properly and will be able to tell if an obstruction has broken the beam and the door therefore needs to reverse open.

Visit to view the full range of Garador operators and accessories.

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